名前は若 だけどOld-fashioned
Namae wa Wakashi dakedo Old-fashioned
sutoikku ga shinjou
My name means “young”, but I’m Old-fashioned
Being stoic is my creed
今日もビシッと 朝稽古に励んで
狙うは真のUpside down
kyoo mo bishitto asa keiko ni hagen de
nerau wa shin no Upside down
Today, too, I’m working hard at morning practise
I’m aiming for a true Upside down
どこにあるのだろう 俺だけのコール
七不思議 謎の扉をたたくぜ
doko ni aru no daro u ore dake no kooru
nanafushigi nazo no tobira o tataku ze
Where could it be, the cheering meant only for me
I’m knocking on the door of the mystery of the seven wonders
空を見上げ 雲間を読めよ
俺の時代は そこまで来ている
悟り開け! 今こそ
sora o miage kumoma o yomeyo
doko made mo takaku tobu tame ni
ore no jidai wa soko made ki te iru
itsu made mo jiki kooho ja nee
satori ake! ima koso
Look up at the sky, find the cracks in the clouds
So you can fly higher and higher
My era is reaching that far
I won’t be the upcoming captain forever
I’m achieving enlightenment! Right now
俺の髪には 天使の輪が光る
ore no kami ni wa tenshi no wa ga hikaru
dakedo nakami wa Hard-boiled
A halo of an angel is shining on my hair
But on the inside I’m Hard-boiled
テニスコートは 神聖な道場
得意の型 魅せるぜ
tenisu kooto wa shinsei na dojo
tokui no kata miseru ze
The tennis court is a sacred dojo
I’ll show you the style I’m proud of
「天下人になる。」 今も昔も
それは変わらない 男のロマンだ
‘tenka hito ni naru’ ima mo mukashi mo
sore wa kawara nai otoko no roman da
“I’ll become a world conqueror.” That hasn’t changed
since the old days, it’s a man’s romance
座禅組んで 気を整えろ
精神統一こそ 奥義
流れる決める 目を奪う演武
覚悟決めろ! 今こそ
zazen kun de ki o totonoero
seishin tooitsu koso oogi
nagarerukimeru me o ubau enbu
sono gajou o kuzushi te yaru
kakugo kimero! ima koso
I ready my spirit with zen meditation
Mental concentration is my secret
My war game that decides the flow and gets all the attention
will destroy that stronghold
Prepare yourself! Right now
空を見上げ 雲間を読めよ
俺の時代は そこまで来ている
悟り開け! 今こそ
sora o miage kumoma o yomeyo
doko made mo takaku tobu tame ni
ore no jidai wa soko made ki te iru
itsu made mo jiki kooho ja nee
satori ake! ima koso
Look up at the sky, find the cracks in the clouds
So you can fly higher and higher
My era is reaching that far
I won’t be the upcoming captain forever
I’m achieving enlightenment! Right now