Ah, Come on you, All right, Cut down
Ride the wind, Muda is not so good
I slash, I trans, Muda is no more need
この世の無駄のため 無駄なくいざ変身
愛と熱意持ってエクスタって 駆けつけるで
Kono yo no muda no tame muda naku iza henshin
Ai to netsui motte EKUSUTA tte kake tsukeru de
For the sake of all useless things in the world, I’ll transform now without uselessness
Ecstasying with love and enthusiasm, I’ll keep running
真の剣という名の ラケットを左手に
日本中どこだって 天下御免のSlash
Shin no ken to iu na no RAKETTO wo hidari te ni
Nihonjuu doko datte tenka gomen no Slash
Named a true sword, with the racket in my left hand
Wherever in Japan, I’ll slash unforgivingly
一年一度 全身全霊全力で 成敗するのが使命
情け無用 人呼んで浪速の エクスタシー侍 参上!
Ichinen ichido zenshin zenrei zenryoku de seibai suru no ga shimei
Nasake muyou hito yonde naniwa no EKUSUTASHII samurai sanjou !
Once a year, with my body and soul, bringing punishment with all my power is my mission
With no use for compassion, called the Ecstasy Samurai by people, I’ll come!
無駄! 無駄! 無駄! 無駄! んんーっ
無駄! 無駄! 無駄! 無駄! どや! まだまだ行くで
無駄! 無駄! 無駄! 無駄! Haaah!
No muda Life, All right
Muda! Muda! Muda! Muda ! Nn
Muda! Muda! Muda! Muda! Doya? Madamada iku de
Muda! Muda! Muda! Muda! Haaah!
No Muda Life, All right
Useless! Useless! Useless! Useless! nn
Useless! Useless! Useless! Useless! How about it? I can go on forever
Useless! Useless! Useless! Useless! Haah!
No Muda Life, All right
斬って絶頂(エクスタシー)! 感じる 快感で候
機能美 これこそ完璧(パーフェクト) Kill-Kill-Kill Useless thing
斬ったモン勝ちやろ 縦横無尽のPassion
誰にも もう止められない 斬る! 斬る! 斬る! Samurai spirits
Kitte EKUSUTASHII! kanjiru kaikan de sourou
Kinou bi korekoso PAAFEKUTO Kill-Kill-Kill Useless thing
Kitta mon kachi yaro juuou mujin no Passion
Darenimo mou tomerarenai kiru! kiru! kiru! Samurai spirits
Ecstasy in cutting it down! Aim for it with the pleasure you feel
Functional beauty Right this is perfect Kill-Kill-Kill Useless thing
The one who cuts down is the winner, right! An endless passion
No one can stop me now Cut! Cut! Cut! Samurai spirits
Ah, Come on you, All right, Cut down
Ride the wind, Muda is not so good
I slash, I trans, Muda is no more need
着流しが粋やろ? 無駄のないルートで
風に吹かれやって来たで東京 覚悟してや
Kinagashi ga ikiyaro? muda no nai RUUTO de
Kaze ni fukare yatte kita de toukyou kakugo shiteya
My entrance is stylish, isn’t it? Through a route without uselessness
Blowing in with the wind to Tokyo I come, be prepared
だけどホンマさすがやな なるほど気付かされた
方程式が解けて 目からウロコの=(イコール)
Dakedo honma sasuga yana naruhodo kizuka sareta
Houteishiki ga tokete me kara UROKO no IKOORU
But it’s really impressive, I see I was noticed
Solving the equations, by eye the scales are equal
大切なのは +(プラス)だとか-(マイナス)より つまり心の余裕
本当の無駄を 見極める大人の エクスタシー侍 誕生?
Taisetsu nano wa PURASU datoka MINASU yori tsumari kokoro no yoyuu
Hontou no muda wo mikiwameru otona no EKUSUTASHII samurai tanjou !?
The most important is said to be rather than + or -, in other words peace of mind
Seeing through the real uselessness, an adult Ecstasy Samurai is born?
無駄! 無駄! 侘び! 寂び! ふー
無駄! 無駄! 無駄! ネタ! よーし そろそろええか?
無駄! 無駄! 無駄! 無我? Haaah!
Muda is not so cool, Come on!
Muda! Muda! Wabi! Sabi! Fuu
Muda! Muda! Muda! Neta! Yoshi sorosoro eeka?
Muda! Muda! Muda! Muga? Haaah!
Muda is not so cool, Come on!
Useless! Useless! Wabi! Sabi! Sigh
Useless! Useless! Useless! A scoop! Alright It’s about time, isn’t it?
Useless! Useless! Useless! Selflessness? Haaah!
Muda is not so cool, Come on!
ノンストップ絶頂(エクスタシー)! 信念貫き候
武士道 それまた聖書(バイブル) Feel-Feel-Feel Hero’s soul
斬って斬りまくる 神出鬼没のMy rule
俺にも もう止められない 斬る! 斬る! 斬る! Samurai spirits
NON SUTOPPU EKUSUTASHII! shinnen tsuranuki sourou
Bushidou sore mata BAIBURU Feel-Feel-Feel Hero’s soul
Kitte giri makuru shinshutsu kibotsu no My rule
Ore ni mo mou tomerarenai kiru! kiru! kiru! Samurai spirits
Non-stop ecstasy! Aim for it with conviction
Bushido, in other words the Bible Feel-Feel-Feel Hero’s soul
Cutting away again and again is my elusive rule
I can’t stop myself either Cut! Cut! Cut! Samurai Spirits
No-No-No-Non stop, Let’s go with me
Ma-Ma-Ma-My style, Don’t stop try try
Ra-Ra-Ra-Ride the wind, M to the U to the DA, Muda
I slash, I trans, M to the U to the DA
I slash, I trans, M to the U to the DA, No more need
斬って絶頂(エクスタシー)! 感じる 快感で候
機能美 これこそ完璧(パーフェクト) Kill-Kill-Kill Useless thing
斬ったモン勝ちやろ 縦横無尽のPassion
誰にも もう止められない 斬る! 斬る! 斬る! Samurai spirits
Kitte EKUSUTASHII! kanjiru kaikan de sourou
Kinou bi korekoso PAAFEKUTO Kill-Kill-Kill Useless thing
Kitta mon kachi yaro juuou mujin no Passion
Darenimo mou tomerarenai kiru! kiru! kiru! Samurai spirits
Ecstasy in cutting it down! Aim for it with the pleasure you feel
Functional beauty Right this is perfect Kill-Kill-Kill Useless thing
The one who cuts down is the winner, right! An endless passion
No one can stop me now Cut! Cut! Cut! Samurai spirits
Ah, Come on you, All right, Cut down
Ride the wind, Muda is not so good
I slash, I trans, Muda is no more need

Source: Kanji, Romaji, English